Can you run? Probably an odd question coming from a martial art instructor. Shouldn’t the question be can you fight? Okay, let’s go that route and then come back to the original question.
The NYPD training academy created fight scenarios that made cadets fight for 7 minutes without stopping. That was the longest it took for a subway to get from one station to the next. If you got in a fight in a subway car, it was possible that you would have to last 7 minutes until back up could arrive. Keep in mind that a standard MMA round is 5 minutes, and a typical boxing round is 3 minutes. If you want to put the 7-minute mark in perspective, shadow box non-stop for 7 minutes and see how you do. Don’t forget to move around and not just punch the air. A street fight will involve all your body and not just your fists, but you can just start punching to see how well you do. Remember your stress level during a fight which will increase your heart rate and make your breathing shallower which will influence your blood oxygen level. This will make you feel more tired and increase the lactic acid in your muscles.
7 minutes is nothing when you’re reading a book or watching TV. It can feel like forever when you’re fighting, or when you’re working out, or when you’re running.
Why do we do what we do? Why do we teach martial arts and fitness classes and why do we train outside of those classes? Because although we may not have to fight on the subway, we may need to defend ourselves at some point. That’s the obvious reason. The not so obvious reason is that we may have to run up some stairs because an elevator is broken. We may have to run to catch a train or plane. Maybe while we’re running, we may have to carry a small child or a suitcase. We may have to push a lawn mower in the summer or do yard work. In the winter, we may have to shovel snow. Why do we do what we do? Not because we need to fight an assailant, but because we want to fight through life!
After you’ve done your 7-minute experiment, examine yourself as to how well you did. Did you last the full 7 minutes? If so, what was your breathing and heart rate like? Whether you fought the whole time, you should be congratulated. Knowledge is power and you now know your physical capability. Now, I have another question; what are you going to do with your new knowledge? Will you be happy with your results, or will you fight to become better prepared?