Mayor Dave Barton

Mayor Dave Barton – His Side of The Story

In Podcast by Scott Campsall10 Comments

Taking time out of his own Statutory Holiday on July 1st (Canada Day), Mayor Dave Barton returns to address the concerns that have been expressed in our local social and print media.  Whether or not you love him or hate him, please take some time to listen to the episode and then feel free to engage in POSITIVE conversation with us on our website and/or our Uxbridge Beat Facebook page.


  1. The Mayors comments with respect to the Zephyr Library are NOT true ! The Zephyr library has it’s own septic system, and the parking lot predominantly belongs to the Zephyr Library. To make it totally accessible all that would be needed would be an accessible front door and a bathroom reno. His continued ridiculing of our petition of 452 people is outrageous. If you would be interested in the total information and be totally informed just not his slanted viscous constant attacks. Be informed and not just a Barton puppet, be fair and be informed. I am the primary spokes person for the Concerned Residents of Zephyr Association Get in touch with me.
    The United Church in Zephyr is NOT closing ! They are sharing the Sunday services with the United church in Sandford, and are making the United church available for funerals, celebrations of life , and weddings etc.

    1. Dear Scott and Jennifer. I am not going to correct Janet’s comments in this forum. If you are looking for factual information related to the lack of accessibility at the current library; the parking situation, etc., please consider interviewing Amanda Ferraro. Thank you.
      Gord Shreeve, Councillor for Ward 2.

      1. Author

        Hello Gordon; We’re still waiting for Janet to contact us regarding setting up a time for her interview as we want to hear both sides of the story so to speak. I am currently researching in preparation for the possible conversation and have found this article
        I think Amanda is amazing and she is definitely a possible candidate for a future interview whether it be about this or her work for the Township. Thank you so much for the suggestion!

        1. Thank you, Scott. In my efforts to represent residents, I have been listening to those who are opposed to any move/change and those who would be open to the move provided that it doesn’t involve a loss of space in the main area of the Community Centre. Please check out the survey, if you haven’t done so already. I don’t want to debate anyone, but having a library that is fully accessible is very important to me! Please feel free to reach out…Thank you and I appreciate the podcast very much! Best regards,

  2. Author

    Hi Janet! Thank you so much for listening and providing your comments! As much as I will easily confess that Mayor Dave is my friend, I will not admit that we are his “puppets”. If you are willing to meet with us for an interview, we would be more than happy to allow you to provide your opinions of the situation. Please email Jennifer at to arrange for a time. As we can tell that you are obviously passionate about this subject, we hope you will seize the opportunity and look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Thank you Scott, I appreciate your reply and I will be InTouch to arrange a time and I am very glad to hear you have open minds and are prepared listen.

      1. Author

        Hello Janet; We’re still waiting to hear from you to schedule your interview. We would like to provide listeners with your point of view as soon as possible and as Jennifer and I both have other jobs, it can take up to two weeks for us to edit and produce an episode. We are totally open to allowing you to use the Uxbridge Beat podcast as a forum, but in order to keep it relevant, we would like to have this done soon.

  3. We are worried about losing both our library and hall if we lose them really what do we have here and then to add more homes.

  4. Hi again Scott … I have to work also and it has been a very busy 2 wks please contact me at so we can arrange that interview. I understand both you and Jennifer also work so lets try to get a time that works for both of us.

  5. Still no reply regarding an interview time workable for both of us contact me thru my email address already supplied to you

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