Jennifer Neveu-Campsall

Scott Campsall
Scott Campsall is the founder and Chief Instructor of Okami Kai Martial Arts and Fitness, an award-winning business that he founded in September 1999. It seemed that when Covid-19 took over the world, trying to make money doing things that relied on people touching and interacting with each other may not have been a sustainable idea. Scott continued to navigate the business through the pandemic, but also seized the opportunity to get a college diploma in Radio Broadcasting and graduated with high honours in April 2022. It was while learning about radio that he was taught about producing podcasts and was given the job of creating one as an assignment for one of his classes. Upon the suggestion of his wife, Jennifer, Scott submitted a test pilot for Uxbridge Beat and was given compliments and high marks by his professor who suggested that he keep working on the idea. The first episode of Uxbridge Beat was launched on Jan.10, 2022 and Scott was able to merge both his love of radio with his fondness for his hometown. Even better, he did not need to look for a sponsor as Okami Kai could benefit from the advertising. So, despite the possibility of him being weakened by the pandemic, Scott is now busier than ever, not only continuing to manage his martial art and fitness school, but also working on Uxbridge Beat. Add on the fact that he is also a husband, father, and stepfather and he is extremely active and busy…which is just the way he likes it.